Jupyter Lab

Jupyter lab

Basic usage

$ jupyter lab 

Conversion between Quarto notebooks and Jupyter notebooks (and vice versa)

Using rise to build Revealjs presentations

Jupyter lab and Spark

Jupyter lab and Dask


$ jupyter --version
Selected Jupyter core packages...
IPython          : 8.31.0
ipykernel        : 6.29.5
ipywidgets       : 8.1.5
jupyter_client   : 8.6.3
jupyter_core     : 5.7.2
jupyter_server   : 2.15.0
jupyterlab       : 4.3.4
nbclient         : 0.10.2
nbconvert        : 7.16.5
nbformat         : 5.10.4
notebook         : 7.3.2
qtconsole        : not installed
traitlets        : 5.14.3