Python Data Science Stack

Technologies Big Data Master MIDS/MFA/LOGOIS

Équipe de Statistique

LPSM Université Paris-Cité


What is Python ?

  • born in 1990
  • designed by Guido van Rossum (BDFL)
  • multi-purpose
  • easy to read
  • easy to learn
  • object-oriented
  • strongly and dynamically typed
  • cross-platform

Features of Python

Features of Python

  • High-level data types (tuples, dict, list, set, etc.)
  • Standard libraries with batteries included
    • String services,
    • Regular expressions
    • Datetime
  • Libraries for scientific computing
  • Easy and efficient I/O, many file formats
  • OS, threading, multiprocessing
  • Networking, email, html, webserver, scrapping
  • Can be extended with C/C++ and easily accelerated (cython, numba, pypy)
  • Tons of external libraries

Features of Python

The stackoverflow 2023 survey

Python popularity growth

Python popularity growth

Why Python for data science ?

Besides these features, Python has:

  • large communities for data science, analytics, etc.
  • many, well-established, well-documented libraries
  • huge demand from the industry

The Python Data Science Stack: Maths / Science


  • numpy is all about multi-dimensional arrays and matrices
  • high-level computation such as
    • linear algebra: numpy.linalg
    • random number generation:numpy.random
  • Fast but not optimized for multi-threaded architectures
  • Not for distributed multi-machine settings


  • scipy extends numpy with extra modules:
    • optimization,
    • integration,
    • FFT, signal and image processing
  • Sparse matrix formats in scipy.sparse

The Python Data Science Stack: Data processing


  • pandas builds upon numpy to provide a high-performance, easy-to-use DataFrame object, with high-level data processing
  • Easy I/O with most data format : csv, json, hdf5, feather, parquet, etc.
  • SQL semantics: select, filter, join, groupby, agg, , where, etc.
  • Very large general-purpose library for data processing, not distributed, medium scale data only


  • dask is roughly a distributed and parallel pandas
  • Same API has pandas !
  • Task scheduling, lazy evaluation, distributed dataframes
  • Still young and far behind spark, but can be useful
  • Easier than spark, full Python (no JVM)


  • pyspark is the python API to spark, a big data processing framework
  • We will use it a lot in this course
  • Native API to spark is scala: pyspark can be slower (much slower if you are not careful)


  • Object Relational Model (ORM)
  • ODBC


The universal columnar format and multi-language toolbox for fast data interchange and in-memory analytics

Apache Arrow defines a language-independent columnar memory format for flat and hierarchical data, organized for efficient analytic operations on modern hardware like CPUs and GPUs. The Arrow memory format also supports zero-copy reads for lightning-fast data access without serialization overhead.

The Python Data Science Stack: Data Visualization


  • matplotlib provides versatile 2D plotting capabilities
    • scientific computing
    • data visualization
  • Large and customizable library
  • The historical one, somewhat low-level when plotting things related to data


  • An interactive visualization library for web browsers based on javascript graphic library d3.js
  • With a clean and simple python interface, can be used in a jupyter notebook
  • Interactions enabled by default (zoom, etc.) and fast rendering
  • Very good looking plots with good default parameters


Vega-Altair: Declarative Visualization in Python

Vega-Altair is a declarative visualization library for Python. Its simple, friendly and consistent API, built on top of the powerful Vega-Lite grammar, empowers you to spend less time writing code and more time exploring your data.

The Python Data Science Stack: Dashboards



Python Data Science Stack: environments

Pure Python interfaces

Ways to use all these tools

  • Write a script and use python directly in a CLI : python

  • Use the ipython interactive shell

Interfaces : Jupyter

  • Use jupyter: a web application that allows to create and run documents, called notebooks (with .ipynb extension)
  • Notebooks can contain code, equations, visualizations, text, etc. (literate programming)
  • Each notebook has a kernel running a python/R,Julia, … thread
  • A problem: a ipynb file is a json document. Leads to bad code diff, a problem with git versioning


Interfaces/IDE : VS Code (and other editors)

Python and R


Reticulate embeds a Python session within your R session, enabling seamless, high-performance interoperability. If you are an R developer that uses Python for some of your work or a member of data science team that uses both languages, reticulate can dramatically streamline your workflow!


Python has several well-written packages for statistics and data science, but CRAN, R’s central repository, contains thousands of packages implementing sophisticated statistical algorithms that have been field-tested over many years. Thanks to the rpy2 package, Pythonistas can take advantage of the great work already done by the R community. rpy2 provides an interface that allows you to run R in Python processes. Users can move between languages and use the best of both programming languages.

But also…

Many libraries for statistics, machine learning and deep learning


Machine learning

Deep learning

Getting faster

  • numba, cython, cupy

And …

  • Python APIs for most databases and clouds

  • Processing and plotting tools for Geospatial data

  • Image processing

  • Web development, web scrapping

among many many many other things…

Thank you !